Greetings from Washington State!

Let us know who you are, what costumes you have and what you are working on, as well as any other info you want to share about yourself.
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Greetings from Washington State!

Post by Cadbane3 » Tue Mar 03, 2020 9:30 pm

Hello all!

Michael Halstead from Cloud City Garrison here. I am a stormtrooper, biker scout, Boba Fett, Zuckuss, Cad Bane (CRL model), wampa, gamorrean guard, Kylo Ren, and a Duros Xwing pilot. Wanted to get on the forum here because my work brings me out to Ft. Wayne at least 3 or 4 times a year and would love to be able to pack a costume some time and troop with you all! This year, I'm supposed to be traveling to Ft. Wayne on 5/4, the most holy of holy trooping days, so I was thinking about traveling on the 3rd and trooping with you all on the 4th. Do you get many troops in Ft. Wayne?

Also, I'm the merch officer for the bounty hunters guild. We have an interest thread running for a new run of back patches. If you don't visit too often, head over and jump in on the run. As soon as we get LMBO approval, we should be able to get the run going.

Anyway, I'm also an avid coin trader so it would be awesome to meet a few of you if it ever works out on a future trip. Hope you all are having a great day and thanks!

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Re: Greetings from Washington State!

Post by DJMoore » Wed Mar 04, 2020 1:35 pm

Hello and Welcome,

Once you have access check the forums right now there is 1 Troop on May 4th but that can change. I know last year NDG was busy with Troops but it was also not a Monday so do not know how to play into that.

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Re: Greetings from Washington State!

Post by Cadbane3 » Sat Mar 07, 2020 12:30 am

Thanks DJ! I signed up for it. I usually do 4 troops out here on the 4th so it'll be nice to bounce from troop to troop if some more requests come in! Looking forward to meeting some troopers!

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Re: Greetings from Washington State!

Post by Ruck » Sat Apr 18, 2020 12:10 am

Welcome, always love trooping with people from out of town. Weekdays are always challenging but we always have a few that can make it. I would love to troop with you but do to my work I’m limited to mostly weekend troops unless I’m on vacation. Hope to see you out there!

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