Hello, I'm Jeanne

Let us know who you are, what costumes you have and what you are working on, as well as any other info you want to share about yourself.
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Hello, I'm Jeanne

Post by JawaJeanne » Thu Mar 14, 2019 5:54 pm

Hi everyone! My name is Jeanne.

I've been around Star Wars stuff my entire life. I love it. My brother (Ken Van Dusen) has been a huge fan since before I was born, lol! I used to play with his star wars toys... sometimes against his will. He is the one who got me into the costuming. He found the Mandalorians first and started working on his suit when he found out that there was this great local 501st group (NDG) and they were awesome enough to take him in with them for his first troop. He decided then that it would be great to have a partner do it with him, so he talked me into a jawa. That's how I got here. I'm still new and learning, but I've met some pretty amazing people already.

I'm really well known for my laugh... it's unique. People who I don't know even know me by my laugh. I'm a pretty cheerful person and I laugh a lot... so I'm sure you'll hear it. ;-)

I'm pretty comfortable with computers, but I've never really done much with forums before... so... hopefully this is all good.

I was looking for the post on handlers to review it again... but I can't seem to find it on this new site. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Re: Hello, I'm Jeanne

Post by Tjohn770 » Fri Mar 15, 2019 12:33 pm

Welcome Jeanne,

The Handbook is being worked on as we speak, But anyways....Welcome to the Darkness!

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Re: Hello, I'm Jeanne

Post by Obey Wann » Fri Mar 15, 2019 4:45 pm

Jeanne, good to see you here!

Handling is probably the most important thing there is, simply because you are keeping troopers alive.

It's things like looking for dropped parts, to making sure they are hydrated, to keeping drunks from breaking kits... and keeping troopers from walking off stages.

(I have witnessed all of the above.)

You also help take photos, or take photos for folks. That sort of thing. :)

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Re: Hello, I'm Jeanne

Post by epicjuicebox » Fri Mar 15, 2019 10:10 pm

Welcome Jeanne! Looking forward to trooping with you!

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