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New from LaPorte

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 2:20 pm
by Coinshark
Hello all! My name is Chris and I am from LaPorte. I have been interested in costuming for a few years now but, haven't taken it to the 501st levels that I've always dreamed of. A few years ago I joined the mandalorian mercs forum and am still working on a custom kit for that. However, ever since I saw the shadow stormtrooper, I have wanted to do a kit of it. That being said, I joined the specops501st forum as well for further guidance. Ultimate goal is to become an active 501st member and troop with all of you wonderful NDG troopers.

I did go through and read and try to comprehend the handbook and handler training. I know we're supposed to make a post but, I'm not exactly sure where that is supposed to be so, I'll just leave it here. I'm planning on going to the meet and greet in valpo this weekend so, I look forward to meeting some of you! :D

Re: New from LaPorte

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 4:56 pm
by Obey Wann
Sweet! Welcome!

And welcome to the wonderful world of trooping!

If you are up for it, there is a parade in South Bend this Saturday that is open. You can come up and handle, check out the kits, carry a banner, etc.

Re: New from LaPorte

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2019 10:47 am
by Duff
Welcome. We have quite a few troopers in La Porte and we are more than willing to help with your build. Feel free to post any questions here. once the weather starts to warm up a bit we will start having armor parties where we get together and work on our armor or help each other with the builds


Re: New from LaPorte

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2019 10:12 pm
by epicjuicebox
Definitely take Duff up on his offer to help with builds. He's helped me out a ton already with mine, along with several other folks who have been doing this for some time. Lots of experts to lean on in the group.

Welcome to the party, Chris!